neděle 5. ledna 2014

Amateur Nail Art - Parrots

Hello ! ~
Because my mom has plastic/gel nails that she is doing to herself , se asked me to did some art on them (se can't do it by herself too good). She choose parrots (Ara Chloroptera and Ara ararauna) because our pets are these parrots and she loves them so much.
If you are interested we have two Ara Chloropteras and one Araraune , but that one is for sale.
So it was my first try doing something like this on nails. It's not perfect , but I hope you'll like it.

Here is our first pet called Amos ~~ 
This is his wife Elizabeth! She is very small ~ She will grow up! 

    And here is our princess, that will have soon probably new home c: 


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