středa 30. dubna 2014

Two weird mps. Zombie and Half face doll/whitch

I'm sorry abotu no posting for long time but I wasn't at home =-=" 
And.. I don'T know how about Staurday cause.. i will probably not be home once again. 
And Laso.. No superheroes make up wll be done in future. I will do soemthing new. But I must think of it and plan it and all this stuff.. 

Let's move on! 
Here is the doll/whitch half make up. I had so many lashes on my eye.. It was pain!
The whitch is super messy, coz it is one fo the super. bad.. whitchies.. things.. whut?.. WHATVUR. THe doll is super pink and.. kind of innocent with SUPER big eyes ~ 

I did super easy make up of zombie. I hope you will like this one ~ I made few photos of my latex.. scars. But it is not too pro. ON the photos it is really visible, how the latex is tehre... but on real it wasn't visible at all =-="


pondělí 21. dubna 2014

Happy Easter! /+UPDATE

Hello everyone! 
And Happy Easter to y'all! 
I have here little update. And some "everyday" photos. 
There is still no k-pop make ups and laso not too much posts. I'm sorry but I don' have that much time and I was sick once again so I wasn't even too in "condition" to do some mps. Also I can't show you any k-pop make up until I will be at least 25% happy with it. which I'm not =-=" 
I don't know how it will go with the superhero make ups because I don't know who to do!! I was thinking and I feel like most of them would be stupid =-=" IF you have any ideas for it , please tell me!
Maybe I will think of different Saturday topic for make up. I don'T know yet. 
Also I'll be doing post about palets. I don't have them many but at least something I do , so I want to show you and tell you what I like etc.. 
I'm in hurry right now.. Cause I'll have exams and all this stuff now.. and it is bt hard to do anything =-=" Sorry. 

So here are the photos , about.. whats going on.. and all this stuff. 

I baked and decorated (really badly) Easter lamb. 
I was decorating it for THREE times. I nearly died. And I was crying so much cause of this stupid lamb =-=""

And my turtle EunSoo was outside during weekend and she loved it ~

Also I found some nice blue/purple flower ~ 

And I had awesome ice cram! Strawberry and cocnut but it was from real straweberries and coconut even that it was from shop!  

And this (I haven't baked it.. it is bought) is cocnut creamy.. cake? It was delicious!

And I started loving shakes! This is banana and cocoa but also is tasty strawberries with cocoa, strawberries with bananas or pure strawberries or bananas!
It's simple I just put some milk, choped fruits and mix in blender. You can add sugar, cocoa , anythign u like. I don't like sugar in it.^^

This is eye make up I was trying. It is inspired by anime and manga. ^^ Maybe I'll do more with this.

This is just for fun.. It is my grumpy form in my unnies shades~

This month I got new shoes from H&M
They are black, the light in the shop was baaad x.x

Also I made this bracelet for my friend ~ She likes blue color and I was thinking she might like it ^^ 

This is.. DISTURBING AS HELL!!!!!!1111oneoneone
I found it.. somewhere.. I don't even know x.x

So we came to the end! Here is my super photoshoped picture with HP glasses and fancy moustache. (I have PSed the fake contact lenses and bit my chin, I was playing around.. ˘^˘ I don't do it too much often.. Just for fun ^^)



sobota 19. dubna 2014

Bane /Superhero-Villain make up

Right now I'm in the backyard so I decided to write it now~ 
Yesterday I made Bane make up based on the classic comic book one. 
Also I made poison Ivy but that was too bad ;-; 
I was lazy so you can see my lashes and lips (sorry!) 
But yeah 
Here it is 
Very basic 
No shadows 
Too lazy meh 


neděle 13. dubna 2014

Harley Quinn - doctor version (My version) /Super hero make up

This shouldn't probably be here nad it is also late, but I'm really sorry. I'm once again sick and I forgot to do anythign and I didn't even knew what to do. But I was having idea of this Harley for some time so I decided to do it. 
I hope you will like it anyway. 
And I will try to do the next superhero facepaint/make up better. I'm sorry. 
And also sorry for bad quality of photos and the wig. I really need new one.. but.. No money for now.
=-="" And my eyes are bit red also .. Really bad post O_O"""" sorry!


středa 9. dubna 2014

Bioshock Infinite - Elizabeth / make up

HALOW !!! 
I just finished playing this superawesome game called Bisohock Infinite, few days ago. I loved it so much and I lvoed the Burial at the Sea because when I was younger I loved all the under water theem of bisochok (the first game was first game I've ever finished... three times in row! I loved it and still love so much!!) 
At first I was bit scared about the whole new look of game but after few minutes of playing I started to love it! And also the DLC was so so good!! 
Okay.. So here is the make up 
And one thing! Make up on the end is SPOILER for BURIAL AT THE SEA! 
But anyway I love the game so much so I had to do make up of Elizabeth ~
Here are some photos! 

Here is the very first one. With long hairs (I styled my hairs bit as hers. And I was trying to copy some of her faces!)

Here I have the short hair version. I made one with pinky lips and few with the nude lips.

Here is from the DLC. The bit.. bitchie (?) look

 *******SPOILER ALERT******
Here is my dead face!


sobota 5. dubna 2014

Venom - Superhero make up/facepaint

So it's saturday again and I have new Superhero/vilaain make up here !!
Today it is Spider-mans villain VENOM!!! 
I just love his smiley face so I wanted to try it ~~ And the black face paint is so easy to put off! 
OKay.. I was doing it on my lips so it is not too good =-="" And also my lashes hate me so much so they just were so visible even I whitened them and put white eyeliner even on waterline =-="" 
But.. ANYWAY! I found this fun to do and I decided to do Carnage some day too~ 
So I hope you will enjoy it ^^ 


středa 2. dubna 2014

Two different but same eye looks

I did two looks using same techniques~ 
One is romantic 
Pink and purple with brown line. 
It looks brown but it was really pink! 
I have just some gloss on lips. 
Also my hairs are curly and I have big flower there! 

And this is grey , grey and grey. With black line. Bit to smokey look. With redlish lips. It is more to night look~ 
And the flower is here!! 
It is in my grandmas flat 
So I'm in front of window. I look vampish I think oxo 
