sobota 7. března 2015

Fake injuries/Scars

Today I have here post about fake injuries which I've done in the past using make up, liquid latex or glue. I'm using mostly what's on my hand~ 
Some of them are really bad and some of them are alright I think~ I am still super llame at doing these so I am training when I can x.x I hope you will like it and you may got inspiration for making your gross creations! ~~~ 

 This was done using only some eyeshadows and bit of red body paint ~

 This is liquid latex, body paint and fake blood. But it is too light >.>"

 This is glue (dry glue stick) and body paint AND blooooood!!
And pretty much any metal piece you can find and stick to your scar :D
 This is sooo bad! I hate this one, I must redo it x.x
It is latex, eyeshadow and fake blood
 This is the newest one , which I think is not as bad but still not perfect >-<
This is done by using glue stick, fake blood, lipstick and black body paint
!!!! If you are alergic to glue use scar wax or gelatine (the make up one) Don't use anythign that will harm your skin! I don't have problems with the glue technique it depends on YOUR skin!!!


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