neděle 30. března 2014

Dark Elf with beautiful soul /make up

She was born in family with white skin and dark hairs. She was born in the family o pure evil but she was the only one who is nice and her soul is angelic. 
This is Dark elf : Camerine~
I was bored one day so I made this. It is very simple! But the wig was so heavy! I had one long wig and two superbig ponytails on back of my head and it is just heavy as f***! 
But I hope you will like this simple make up~ 


sobota 29. března 2014

Deadpool/ Superhero make up +BONUS

Hello! New Saturday series: SUPERHEROES!! 
I hope you will like it! 
I made Deadpool because he is really popular these days. Maybe it's because of his stupidity. 
I played the game so I like his stupidity too. But I love Wade just as his character. And his fight with cancer for his love is just awesome. 
I glued tissue on my lips to make them invisible. I have photos with the lips but I don't like it. 

I have even SuperKawaiiPhoto!! 

And here is the bonus 
Not so good 
Spider-man! Made on my brother so sorry
 for the quality of his face 
I made it same as my Deadpool. 

Here is one where I'm putting his make up off. 


úterý 25. března 2014

Dark&Red Passion - Eye make up

Today i visited my grandmum and most of the time I'm playing with her make up: She doesn't have too much of it but I'm bored most of the time there. 
So I don't have any foundation here so maybe I look crooked. And also the light was very bad (I HAVE BATHROOM PHOTOS! You can't actualy see but I do!) 
Well it is kinda cat eyeliner (also.. my grandmum doesn't have any brushes.. just the little sponge but nothing too special). So I mixed some colours to make it red as possible. Then took black and do some cat lines and blend with fingers. Than I highlighted a bit and put mascara on. Simple! Four things for eye! If I don't count brushes which you can use. Once more sorry for the light you can't too much see anything on =-="" Mut maybe you'll like it ! 


pondělí 24. března 2014

Paper Dress up doll - Lee Donghae

I made this paper doll foll my friend: She really loves Lee Donghae from Super Junior and I decided to made her this little gif. So I drawed a little chibi/cartoon version of him and then I found some pics of clothes he had and I tried to draw them and then cut it out. I made there little parts which with you can "stick" it on him. I don't have photos in the outfits (i forgot to made them and I don't have him anymore). I think this could be inspiration (if you like it of course) For yours dress up dolls. You can made anyone you want . If you are creative this will take you time if you want it really nice: I messed it up, but I hope it's not that bad and my dearest unnie told me she likes it ~ She is so nice , kkk ~ 
So here are the photos. I don't have the photos for my inspiration, I'm sorry. 
Here is the doll. I don't knwo if he really looks like Donghae or not: Probably more not  but WHATEVER

First outif : Mr.Simple album. It is the pinky.. pink! and red. Here it looks white but "under" the pink is skin colour ~
 This is inspired by his drama Miss Panda and Hedgehog. He had this outfit with hat on the photos and I think it looks so good on him.

Nemo hat and simple basic (?) outfit. Inspired by Super Show.

 Another one inspired by Super Show. IRON MAN!

 This is from performance DO-RE-MI So cute otufit!

Giraffe! ~ With bunny ears and little bow!!

This is from Oppa , Oppa - the red outfit.

It looks yellow but it is actually sparkle as gold! Oppa, Oppa - gold outfit.

Santa outfiiiit.

And the last is from last MV By D&E - Motorcycle 
I just had to put there also the wig!


sobota 22. března 2014

Always Drunk Principal Meyers / Cursed Circus make up

so I actually did the make up last night  because I wanted so bad to post it! It is inspired by Jack Sparrow and cartoon drunks. I just made it with my hairs so it looks probably really weird.. BUt Maybe you will like it. It is not like any other principal.
I decided, I should have beard. I would name it "MY MANLY BEARD" ˘^˘
But I will shave it as Tony Stark ˘^˘
Okay.. I'm just joking.
His story?
He bought the circus and made him big. But then he started drink and circus was just bad and bad. His wife Samantha started to work hard on the circus while he started hating it. She made the circus to really good circus. And he was drunk and drunk more.
So.. short story, I'm really out of ideas , sorry, sorry, sorry!
 I contoured my nose to make it bigger. Also I made huuuge brows! And create scar in it. Also I have smaller and brown lips and really black eyes.
When I was younger, I was wearing these kind of eyeliners and all black eyes all the time. Now, when I see photo of me during this.. I looked so stupid!
 Some silly face !
 And here is my "Oh hai there" face.
 Once more "Oh hai there"


pátek 21. března 2014

Bit of talking - Update ? And plans for blog !

Hello. I wanna share with you some of my plans since I was sick this week and I haven't did any Cursed Circus make up. I'm sorry but I was without any energy doing it. Anyway.. I will do probably just two or one more character for Circus and I'll think of new series of Saturdays. I still don't know what it will be .. I'm thinking of some Monster High but I don't have wigs so it will be maybe too weird.. I'll think of it. 
Next kinda new thing will be...*drums* K-pop (korean pop) inspired make up! I will probably do just female idols. And it WON'T be transformation. Just inspired. I found make up in k-pop most of the time really interesting and I wanna try it ~ I'm probably gonna start next week or on Sunday. 
I'm not sure which day will be the "K-pop" day.. but we'll see! Maybe it will be only one in two weeks. I'm still just thinking of it! 
Also I'm preparing post about false lashes. My collection and which one I like.. But since my eyes hate putting on false lashes It's bit hard to do it in one day, sorry! 
I will maybe also start Monthly Favourites.. But I don't know.. I don't do make up or clothes shopping too much.. It will be probably about my comic books or pets and this stuff so it maybe won't be interesting enough. 
Here I have some random photos to make this post less boring ! 
Or more boring..  
I don't know.. What I'm.. ARGH ! WHATEVER
Here am I as Thor. (It's for fun, don'T worry, My mum just got me fake moustaches and this funny idea poped in my head) 

 There you can see little preview of the false eyelashes. I will have better photos ;)

 This is.. I think maybe even embarassing! Some of my "arts"
Firs.. Unicorn guuuuurl.. (Okay, I was just bored)
 There is Vincent from game Catherine. I fell in love with the whole game ((eve cause I'm just watching Let's play of it)
 There is vamprie girl.. I tried water colours. I shouldn't try it.. Hehe!
Some.. sketch of psycho thing. I wasn't probably much thinking of it o.o

This is something what I like. which is weird. It could be better.. But.. WHATEVER! This is Amos. Our pet , painted by me. I will show you the original photo down there. It was painting for my mum and she liked it a lot! ~ Yay! ~

Something.. As killer ? ... IDK: I really like the background I did but once again No watercolours should be in my house! 

 This is.. Really Super random.. LEMON! My mum bought these just because they were BATMAN. SUPERHEROES LEMONS!
I want Iron Man lemon!
 Pets part. Here is Amos eating some grapes. He just loves them really much! In the background you can see Elizabeth playing with herself~

Here is Elizabeth in the tree. She really liked tbeing outside. I should bring her there more often! She looks so adult even she is still young ~

And here! This is the original photo of my painting. Not too similar.. But I hope you like it even a bit!


sobota 15. března 2014

Samantha The Main Acrobat - Cursed Circus

Hello ! 
Satruday - Circus TIIIIME! 
Today is it one of the acrobats Samatha. She is wife of the principal of circus. She is very talented but her husband doesn't like her to doing her job. He thinks that is for poor people who don't have anything better to do. But she loves to do all acrobatic things. So she will probably leave him soon. Maybe. There is problem , because of her father , who needs money of the principal (Principal is very rich) for his alcohol and stuff. So he sold her. 
I'm sorry that the story is so short but my brain is just too stupid =-= These days I really like purple colour and I have purple false lashes (You can't see it well but on last picture it is) so I decided to do this inpurple! It is messy, because Samantha is very poor with her husband so she is crying a lot. It is simple x.x But I hope you will like it ! 