pátek 21. března 2014

Bit of talking - Update ? And plans for blog !

Hello. I wanna share with you some of my plans since I was sick this week and I haven't did any Cursed Circus make up. I'm sorry but I was without any energy doing it. Anyway.. I will do probably just two or one more character for Circus and I'll think of new series of Saturdays. I still don't know what it will be .. I'm thinking of some Monster High but I don't have wigs so it will be maybe too weird.. I'll think of it. 
Next kinda new thing will be...*drums* K-pop (korean pop) inspired make up! I will probably do just female idols. And it WON'T be transformation. Just inspired. I found make up in k-pop most of the time really interesting and I wanna try it ~ I'm probably gonna start next week or on Sunday. 
I'm not sure which day will be the "K-pop" day.. but we'll see! Maybe it will be only one in two weeks. I'm still just thinking of it! 
Also I'm preparing post about false lashes. My collection and which one I like.. But since my eyes hate putting on false lashes It's bit hard to do it in one day, sorry! 
I will maybe also start Monthly Favourites.. But I don't know.. I don't do make up or clothes shopping too much.. It will be probably about my comic books or pets and this stuff so it maybe won't be interesting enough. 
Here I have some random photos to make this post less boring ! 
Or more boring..  
I don't know.. What I'm.. ARGH ! WHATEVER
Here am I as Thor. (It's for fun, don'T worry, My mum just got me fake moustaches and this funny idea poped in my head) 

 There you can see little preview of the false eyelashes. I will have better photos ;)

 This is.. I think maybe even embarassing! Some of my "arts"
Firs.. Unicorn guuuuurl.. (Okay, I was just bored)
 There is Vincent from game Catherine. I fell in love with the whole game ((eve cause I'm just watching Let's play of it)
 There is vamprie girl.. I tried water colours. I shouldn't try it.. Hehe!
Some.. sketch of psycho thing. I wasn't probably much thinking of it o.o

This is something what I like. which is weird. It could be better.. But.. WHATEVER! This is Amos. Our pet , painted by me. I will show you the original photo down there. It was painting for my mum and she liked it a lot! ~ Yay! ~

Something.. As killer ? ... IDK: I really like the background I did but once again No watercolours should be in my house! 

 This is.. Really Super random.. LEMON! My mum bought these just because they were BATMAN. SUPERHEROES LEMONS!
I want Iron Man lemon!
 Pets part. Here is Amos eating some grapes. He just loves them really much! In the background you can see Elizabeth playing with herself~

Here is Elizabeth in the tree. She really liked tbeing outside. I should bring her there more often! She looks so adult even she is still young ~

And here! This is the original photo of my painting. Not too similar.. But I hope you like it even a bit!


2 komentáře:

  1. Oh My Thor! :333

    I have a question.. Will you do CL make-up? :33

    1. Um.. CL? I don't know , darling.. I think CL is for me super hard to try make my eye look like her. But I can try it. I will maybe do all 2NE1 because I want to do Minzy really bad.
      So probably yes.
